Advertising allows us to provide you with a free streaming experience on ViX Gratis, so ads cannot be removed from our ViX Gratis. If you want to experience content with fewer ads or none at all, you can subscribe to ViX Premium Con Anuncios or ViX Premium Sin Anuncios.
If you're a ViX Premium Sin Anuncios subscriber and see ads on any title, it's possible that:
👉🏼 Your ViX Premium Sin Anuncios account session was closed, and you need to sign in again. To check if your session was started, click on the profile icon in the top right corner. If it's already started, you'll be able to access your account; if you haven't signed in, you'll be prompted to enter your account credentials.
👉🏼 You're watching content from the ViX Gratis section. Please note that ViX Premium offers over 10,000 hours of ad-free content.
*In certain cases, a small portion of ViX Premium Sin Anuncios programming will continue to include ads (sports and certain content such as ViX Gratis content).
Note: Our ViX Premium Con Anuncios plan is only available to customers residing in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Peru.
We will update this information as availability extends to additional countries.