MX List
Feature list code: mx | <ul id="feature-list-code-mx">
- Monthly cost in
- $119 MXN per month, with automatic monthly renewal.*
- Unlimited access to ViX Premium, Original content: exclusive series and movies in Spanish. Enjoy new releases every week.
- Enjoy premium sports. Exclusive soccer matches, extensive coverage of Liga MX, Liga MX Femenil, and more.
- More novelas originally created in Spanish than any other streaming service**
- All of Televisa's live channels. More than 20 live channels including Las Estrellas, TUDN, Golden, Telehit and more.
- Ad-free premium content***
- Premiere chapters of Las Estrellas novelas, available the following day, indefinitely.****
- Enjoy content on up to 3 devices simultaneously.
Footnote code: mx | <p id="feature-list-footnote-mx">
Check out our promotional offers at OXXO in Mexico!
*For new subscribers residing in Mexico, over 18 years of age. You will pay $119 MXN per month, with automatic monthly renewal at the then-current ViX Premium subscription rate (currently, $119 MXN/month).
**Based on more than 20,000 hours of novels in Spanish.
***No ads during ViX Original series and movies. Any other content may show ads.
****Subject to changes and rights restrictions.
US List
Feature list code: us | <ul id="feature-list-code-us">
- Monthly cost in
- Access to all content
- No Ads* - wna
- Limited ads - wa
- Enjoy content on up to 4 devices at the same time - wna
- Enjoy content on up to 2 devices at the same time - wa
- Premium series and movies
- Cancel whenever you want
- Premiere chapters of Las Estrellas novelas, available the following day, indefinitely.**
- More novelas originally created in Spanish than any other streaming service.***
- 24/7 news
Footnote code: us | <p id="feature-list-footnote-us">
Note: This exclusive offer is for new eligible subscribers over the age of 18 residing in the United States and Puerto Rico.
*No ads during ViX Originals series and movies. All other content may display ads.
**Subject to changes and rights restrictions.
***Based on more than 20,000 hours of novels in Spanish.
Our ViX Premium Con Anuncios plan is only available to customers residing in the United States, Puerto Rico and Peru.
We will update this information as availability extends to additional countries.
COL List
Feature list code: col | <ul id="feature-list-code-col">
- Monthly cost in
- $15,900 COP per month, plus applicable taxes for the first six (6) months*
- Enjoy premieres every week Live channels with novelas, comedy, and movies. Enjoy channels like Distrito Comedia, Las Estrellas, and Golden.
- Premium content without ads**
- Premiere episodes of novelas from Las Estrellas, available the next day, for an indefinite time.***
- Enjoy content on up to 4 devices at the same time.
Footnote code: col | <p id="feature-list-footnote-col">
ViX Premium
*For new subscribers residing in Colombia, over 18 years of age. You will pay only $15,900 COP ($3.99 USD)(plus applicable taxes) per month, plus applicable taxes for the first six (6) months*, with an automatic monthly renewal at the then-current ViX Premium subscription rate (currently, $22,900 COP or $5.99 USD/month) plus applicable taxes. This offer is not available through Samsung Pay.
**No ads during ViX Originals series and movies. All other content may display ads.
***Some content may not be available on this plan.
PER List
Feature list code: per | <ul id="feature-list-code-per">
- Monthly cost in
- You will pay only $18.90 PEN per month, plus applicable taxes for the first six (6) months* - wna
- Access to all content - wna
- No Ads** - wna
- Enjoy content on up to 4 devices at the same time - wna
- Enjoy content on up to 2 devices at the same time - wa
- Premium series and movies, telenovelas, and more*** - wa
- Limited ads - wa
- Cancel whenever you want
Footnote code: per | <p id="feature-list-footnote-per">
ViX Premium Sin Anuncios
*Note: *For new subscribers residing in Peru, over 18 years of age. You will pay only $18.90 PEN ($4.99 USD) per month, plus applicable taxes for the first six (6) months, with an automatic monthly renewal at the then-current ViX Premium subscription rate (currently, $22.90 PEN or $5.99 USD/month) plus applicable taxes. This offer is not available through Samsung Pay.
**No ads during ViX Originals series and movies. All other content may display ads.
***Some content may not be available on this plan.
Our ViX Premium Sin Anuncios plan is only available for customers residing in the United States, Puerto Rico and Peru. We will update this information as availability extends to additional countries.
Feature list code: rolac | <ul id="feature-list-code-rolac">
- Monthly cost in
- A 7-day free trial period
- Unlimited access to ViX Premium, Originals: exclusive series and movies in Spanish. Enjoy new releases every week.
- More novelas originally created in Spanish than any other streaming service.*
- Live channels with novelas, series and movies. Enjoy channels such as Distrito Comedia, Las Estrellas and Golden
- Ad-free premium content**
- Premiere chapters of Las Estrellas novelas, available the following day, indefinitely.***
- Enjoy content on up to 3 devices simultaneously
*Based on more than 20,000 hours of novelas in Spanish.
**No ads during ViX Original series and movies. Any other content may show ads.
***Subject to changes and rights restrictions.
Price table:
This element is a <table> with and id="custom-pricing-table". It must contain the features displayed by the widget.
Country | Price with ads | Price without ads | Monthly cost in | Feature List Code |
Argentina | $4.99 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Bolivia | $38 Bs | - | bolivian | rolac |
Chile | $5,200 CPL | - | chilean pesos | rolac |
Colombia | $15,900 COP | - | colombian pesos | col |
Costa Rica | $3,800 CRC | - | colons | rolac |
Republica Dominicana | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Ecuador | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
El Salvador | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
United States | $4.99 USD | $8.99 USD | dollars | us |
Guatemala | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Honduras | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Mexico | $119 MXN | - | mexican pesos | mx |
Nicaragua | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Panama | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Paraguay | $37,900 PYG | - | guaranies | rolac |
Peru | $8.90 PEN | $18.90 PEN* | peruvian pesos |
per |
Puerto Rico | $4.99 USD | $8.99 USD | dollars | us |
Uruguay | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Venezuela | $5.49 USD | - | dollars | rolac |
Prices may vary depending on the platform, location, limited time offers and/or other promotions, and the currency in which the payment is made. Depending on where you live, you may be charged taxes in addition to the price of your subscription. Offer is subject to terms and conditions, please consult them here.